Sunday, April 12, 2009

Artist Spotlight: Corinne Bailey Rae

4 holla'd back:

Anonymous said...

hey its pink! come see me on my new blog...anyway havent talked to you in a while but i have an update for you...candy got into a car accident..shes ok but she doesnt have access to a pc...and tima and nasha...well, turns out tima is my exes new gf and shes been blog stalkin me for the last 7 months or so...wack! lol..anyway...there was a big blow up and home girl reomved her, there you have it!

glad youre doing well.

U BRING ME JOI said...

i love corinne she doesn't get enough rotation :-(

Anonymous said...

what you know about ms. bailey rae...she is amazing!!

yours truly said...

i wish this girl would put out another freakin album. it's been too long and i couldn't get enough of the first one.