Monday, April 13, 2009

It's A Matter Of A Extreme Importance....

..... my first grown up club affair.

Remember how I told you guys how my 23rd birthday is this Friday? Well, I'm going out with a group of friends, and they were like 'lets go to____________ (insert club name)'. I agreed because 1) I was a little bit tipsy and 2) i didn't want to seem lame and ask, 'what's ____________ (insert club name)?' I've never even heard of this place...I had no idea it was a club. The problem is, I HATE clubs. So my question is, would I be wrong if I wanted to change the plans I made with my girls and do something completely different? Or should I just go to the club and grin and bear it? I still want to hang out with them, but just not at the club. I kinda feel like since it's my birthday celebration, should have a say-so about it, but at the same time I don't want to disappoint my friends. What would you do? Let me know in the comments.



15 holla'd back:

Jacque said...

Wow! This EXACT thing happened to me last weekend. All week me and two other friends planned to go to a club instead of prom..well, I didn't really plan it because clubs/parties/etc are not my thing. I went along with it all week, but the day before I told them I wasn't coming. I felt like I was being peer pressured and I wasn't about to change up my feelings for anyone. Sooo...if clubs aren't your thing and you don't feel comfortable, don't go. It's your birthday after all. and have a happy birthday!:)

Jaded said...

its ur day...but why not make a weekend out of it? You kno ur choice on ur bday followed by the club the day after? Win win lol

Anonymous said...

Heyyyyy vixen girly

Ive missed u..happy early birthday and u know im takin the stance u only get 1 birthday a year so do what makes u feel good and works for U. Yeah everybody want to be in the club but if thats not your style u!! I'm fine thank u for asking about me..i got caught up in some things - well addicted- but yanno immmm bacccccc lol!

nikkiblanco said...

It's YOUR birthday... tell your friends it's not really your thing, and that you HATE clubs and then tell them you want to do ______(insert whatever you really want to do)... I had that same feeling, every year for my bday all my friends wanted to do stuff I didn't want to do--this year (my bday is tomorrow) I told them I want a low key birthday doing hip-hip Karaoke! :)

Beautifully.Conjured.Up said...

Be honest about it.

I hate the clubs too, and life is too short to be unhappy.

BLACKkittenROAR said...

There's nothing wrong with being the birthday biatch! It's ur day, ur entitled to go where u want and not go where u don't. Otherwise u could potentially end up miserable on ur bday...and nobody wants to be miserable on their bday

CraigJC said...

Have much fun.

and check me out sometime.

Blank said...

Happy Birthday!

I say do what you feel comfortable with. It's only going to spoil the trip if you got and act like a sour puss all night anyway. Go to dinner or something instead.

Selah said...

Grin and bear it -- uhm. hell to the naw. lol

I'm with Kitten... who wants to be upset on their bday?? Speak up!

A.M. said...

please this shouldn't even be n effin question, last time I checked it was YOUR birthday okay...
you don't even have to be nice about it, be diva, "it's my bday and i DONT wanna go to the club." lol

QuietStorm said...

grrrrrrrrlllll...its ur day and u shuld do whatevr YOU wanna do:)

Anonymous said...

Vixen sweetie! Were so happy for you! Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Vixen sweetie! Were so happy for you! Happy Birthday!

Lucky said...

girl it's your could be like "yall know i don't do clubs" and maybe you guys have dinner/hang out for your day and if they wanna go out after it's their choice.

Or, maybe they could find a low-key club that you'd enjoy!

Zackary said...

To my mind one and all must browse on it.
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